Continuous Fill Steam Cleaners

What is Continuous Fill?.......and is it the right choice?freeupssm.png.jpg

Your boiler is always full, ready and heated when you are, no down time in the middle of a cleaning spree or that big job. The reservoir is your water port, when the reservoir goes empty, your boiler is still full and ready to audible signal lets you know to go grab a container of water, pour it in....and keep on cleaning!

The basics:

Two components separate the single boiler cleaner from the continuous fill; a pump and a reservoir. Water is filled into a non-pressurized "cap less" chamber and water is pumped into the boiler in small increments allowing "non-stop" cleaning, preventing the need to refill and reheat the boiler. The user adds more water when notified to the reservoir in seconds.

To give an example, if you have a gallon of water and a full reservoir, chances are you will be cleaning into the wee hours of the morning and you will be the one running out of steam!

Is it for me? 

Individuals with large areas to clean, daily cleaning rituals or are time challenged are perfect candidates for this feature. Business's, industries and agencies from a labor and efficiency perspective utilize the continuous fill as it is the best choice. Heat up is quick on the Vapor Clean machines, the boiler is always full! The US Capitol chose the Vapor Clean Pro6's as their tool of maintenance for such a monumental task, just as thousands of companies across the US.

Who Benefits:

Homeowners with large homes or commercial buildings where cleaning can take more time or for users who rely on the availability of steam throughout a lengthy project. Pest control is one of the many challenging and advantageous uses for a continuous operation machine. 

We have seen a few websites steering people away from this design of steam cleaner, however we did notice that they don't sell a continuous fill cleaner! Our guarantee stands to offer honest, informative and factual information in helping to make your best buying decision.

The Vapor Clean Features: